BICAS could not do what we do without our incredible volunteers, from those who help at our events, to in day-to-day operations in the shop. Our volunteers make so much of what we do in our community possible.
Volunteer Drop-In
We hold a drop-in bike salvage day other Wednesday from 11 AM to 1 PM. Help us strip down old bikes to recycle as spare parts or future art creations, or some other project in the shop. This is an opportunity to become familiarized with BICAS’s shop etiquette and salvage methods, sharpen your bicycle and tool vocabulary, and get to know your way around the shop! No experience is necessary. View out google calendar for upcoming Volunteer Drop-Ins.
Volunteer at Events
BICAS has volunteering opportunities all throughout the year. Interested in volunteering with BICAS? Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@bicas.org or sign up to become a regular volunteer!